Case Results

  • $575,000 Motocycle Accident

    Motorcycle accident where car pulled out in front of of motorcycle causing motorcycle to T-bone car.

  • $425,000 Motorcycle Accident

    A car pulled out in front of our client, causing him to T-bone the car, resulting in serious injuries.

  • $400,000 Motorcycle Accident

    While riding his motorcycle, and a car made a left turn in front of our client, clipping the motorcycle and causing him to go airborne. This resulted in multiple severe injuries to our client.

  • $375,000 Dog Bite

    Our client was bitten by one of the employee's dogs of a business open house.

  • $375,000 Uninsured Accident

    UIM policy limit for a highway traffic accident involving two commercial trucks.

  • $330,000 Mold & Asbestos Case

    Our client's home flooded, causing property damage and illness due to mold.

  • $325,000 Motorcycle Accident

    Our client was riding his motorcycle to work and crashed due to a negligent driver, causing a brain injury.

  • $300,000 Car Accident

    Our client was stopped in traffic and was rear-ended, pushing him into traffic where he was T-boned.

  • $200,000 Truck and Train Accident

    Our client sustained a knee injury requiring surgery after being hit by a commercial truck while working on a train.

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